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In order to referee in Competitive games the referee must be 13 years old and certified with the state organization. Those interested in refereeing that are younger than 13 may start with games in the Recreational Program to get experience. To begin with Rec please contact Bob Enright at the email below.

There is a state organization named Rhode Island State Referee Committee (RISRC) that qualifies referees and operates the referee program in RI. To start the process of becoming a certified referee go to the US Soccer learning center and creat an account. Please notify the WFFSC Referee Coordinator who currently is Bob Enright at with any questions..

Once you are certified and in the system and on Bob's list then he will assign recreational games usually starting in U8 to get some experience. As the referee gains experience they will move to older age games and maybe eventually move to be assigned to competitive games.

Here is a document that explains the laws of the game: Soccer Laws Document

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