Warwick Fire Fighters Soccer Club (WFFSC) is an all volunteer, non-profit organization focused on providing the youth of Warwick and surrounding communities the best soccer experience possible. WFFSC was formed in 1984 and has been recognized for the past few years as the largest soccer club in RI. WFFSC is a town club member of Soccer RI which is the governing body in RI for US Youth Soccer. Our home field is Winslow Park at 300 Airport Road, Warwick, RI.
As a town club WFFSC is obligated to providing three (3) main programs. First is the Recreational Program that introduces kids to the game of soccer is a low-intense, more fun-focused environment. Kids can start as young as 4 years old and play until 16 years old. Games are played against other teams within WFFSC. Coaches are all volunteer and must undergo BCI checks.
The second program offered by WFFSC is the Competitive Program, sometimes referred to as Travel or Select. This program provides a higher level of competition with more intense focus on developing the player's ability. Teams are formed based on the player's ability so that all teams are comprised of players that are all as the same reasonably level of play. These teams travel and play teams from other clubs.
The third program offered is the Referee Program. In this program the kids learn the rules of soccer and how to officiate games. It is a great way for the kids to develop their abilities to manage an activity. Once the child gets their certification then they will be placed where they can be successful. For most young refs (typically 10 or 11 years old) they start reffing U8 rec games to get experience. As they get experience and maturity then they can be elevated up to older games.
All members of WFFSC must abide by the Code of Conduct.
The club is governed by its By-Laws. A Board of Directors executes the programs and the activities for the club.